You need to check out this 3D Labrynth maze! 🤩

Hidden away on the fringes of BRUTOPOLIS – The Labyrinth Gallery is an underground movement in counter capitalism, promote free thinking and creativity – its motto: Reuse – Reduce – Repair and Rethink – the opposite of Brutopolian ideology.

Brutopolis is an Western Bloc relic, where an authoritarian regime is clinging on by the whites of its fingertips to a time when people did what they were told.


This is an immersive theatrical experience of a vast scale, in which a revolution against years of oppression is on the cusp of exploding.


The Labyrinth Gallery is an underground movement in Brutoplolis to counter capitalism, promote free thinking and creativity – its motto: Reuse – Reduce – Repair and Rethink – the opposite of Brutopolian ideology.”


Holographic Cloud

The project is a visual art installation made from recycled materials, love and light installed in a maze to get lost in art. Light distorting glasses are given to the audience to dive into the otherworldly experience.

Definitely not one to miss this weekend.

“The Labyrinth Gallery” is a project currently displayed at the Electric Picnic in Stradbally.. This exhibition is an immersive installation inviting you to “get lost in art” and to enter a space filled with color, love and light dividing the space of the Gallery into a maze, designed for visitors to get “lost in Art” and to experience different visual perspectives on a piece of art or sculpture using different light spectrum. The actual pieces are inspired by the beauty of nature and made with the leftovers and rubbish of our wasteful society. The different rooms have their own individual themes that flow into each other accompanied by subtle nature sounds. The exhibition is a potpourri of brand new and never seen pieces and re-invented existing creations. Some sculptures invite the visitors to feel and explore them and to discover their own creativity. The multi-sensory experience is made for all age groups, people that are sensitive to light effects and can also enjoy the exhibition as they can take off the glasses at any time and the sculptures are captivating without the special effects.

Materials used are aluminium cans, scrap wood, plywood, plastic bottles, milk bottles, fabric, scrap insulating material, wrong prints of factories love and light. This exhibition is suitable for all ages, we had old and young people here that enjoyed the experience and also took bookings for school classes to discover and connect to the art, sparking conversations about the 4 R’s Reuse – Reduce – Repair and Rethink.

Labrynth Gallery has been created and produced by @uliunique



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